Friday, October 24, 2014

Toke Radio 62: Pot Opponent Fibs About Child Deaths! Police Chief Challenged To Pot vs. Booze Duel! Woman Cast Out of Church for Medical Marijuana!

Toke Signals Bud Pick of the Week

Toke Signals Stories of the Week

Oregon: Marijuana Legalization Opponent Admits He Was Wrong About Child Deaths

An Oregon physician who outraged the crowd at a Tuesday night debate on marijuana legalization when he claimed five Colorado children had died from cannabis retracted on his statement on Wednesday and acknowledged he was wrong.

Maine: Marijuana Legalization Advocate Challenges Police Chiefe To Pot vs. Booze Drug Duel

(Hemp News)

In order to prove once and for all that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol, marijuana initiative proponent David Boyer challenged South Portland Police Chief Edward Googins to a drug duel. Boyer will be in the Mill Creek Park gazebo at high noon on Wednesday prepared to take a hit of marijuana for every shot of alcohol consumed by Googins to see who will be the last man standing for a previously scheduled debate for 7 p.m. that evening.

Texas Woman Thrown Out of Church For Using Medical Marijuana

(Hemp News)

A woman in Beaumont, Texas says she was cast out by her church for using medical marijuana.

Two-Thirds of Americans Believe Benefits of Medical Marijuana Outweigh Risks

(Hemp News)

As Floridians get set to hit the polls on Nov. 4 and decide the fate of legalizing medical marijuana in the Sunshine State with Amendment 2, another debate is brewing: do the benefits of medical marijuana to treat chronic pain outweigh the risks?

D.C. Marijuana Initiative Gets Major Endorsements From NAACP and NOW

(Hemp News)

The Washington, D.C. chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the D.C. Branch of the National Organization for Women on Thursday came out in support of marijuana legalization and endorsed D.C.’s Initiative 71.

Police Raids on Medical Marijuana Gardens Cut Off Treatment For Kids With Epilepsy

(Hemp News)

As promising results from clinical trials are announced in the use of medicinal cannabis (medical marijuana) to treat intractable epilepsy, those lawfully cultivating the plant in California are being raided by local law enforcement. Two gardens destroyed by police in the past two months in Mendocino County and Modesto contained a rare strain of medical marijuana rich in Cannabidiol (or CBD) used by children many of whom do not respond to other drug treatments.

Melissa Etheridge Talks Marijuana In New Larry King Interview

(Hemp News)

Music icon Melissa Etheridge sits down with Larry King on the Emmy nominated series “Larry King Now” to talk about the ‘panic’ in her industry, President Obama's job performance, legalizing marijuana and her new self-released album.

Toke TV/Toke Radio = a joint production of Toke Signals and Indie Media Weekly

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