Marijuana March in Seattle • May 1, 2010
Volunteer Park 1 pm
March to Westlake at 2:30 pm
Rally at Westlake Center until about 7:30 pm
Jack, this 420 one's for you! SPREAD THE WORD!
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Details at Toke of the Town
Hey there!
Nice blog. I'm actually getting ready to direct an indie movie this summer about stoners. It's called "Baked: A Tale of Cannibals and Cannabis." I'm currently raising fund off IndieGoGo (pre-selling DVD's, t-shirts, etc.). I'd love to have it featured on this site.
Visit for more information. Plus the IndieGoGo page is at
Matt Davis
Listen Everyone! I live in Los Angeles. Grew up East Coast for over 20 years; left everything and everyone to be a “Free” sick person in the state of California. I volunteer in one of the best dispensaries in SoCal however since we aren’t one of the super special 70, or the kinda super special 186: we are facing big problems. So I came to be free, only to face imprisonment once again! I guess the good news is that I have within me the ability to save CA’s Pot Integrity. I want/need some help. Lawyers, big wigs, cocky jerks, super stoners: my kindred-cohorts come in all shapes and sizes. All that matters is doing what we can do to get the Marijuana Legalization Bill PASSED. Anyone on here that likes hard workers that absolutely mean business PLEASE PLEASE write me. I have the fire in my belly. I can’t stand the LA city council. Let’s make some ish happen.
Your gnome needs to chill with my gnome...
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