Friday, August 29, 2014

Toke Radio 56: Less Domestic Violence Among Weed Couples! Pot States Have Fewer ODs! FL MMJ Would Also End Bong Ban!

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Toke Signals Bud Pick of the Week

Toke Signals Stories of the Week

Study Finds Less Domestic Violence Among Married Couples Who Smoke Marijuana

(Hemp News)

New findings from a study of 634 couples have found that the more often they smoked marijuana, they less likely they were to engage in domestic violence. The study's big sample size and the nine-year length of the study make it a significant finding.

Medical Marijuana States Have Fewer Painkiller Overdoses

(Hemp News)

States which have legalized medical marijuana for chronic pain have significantly fewer overdose deaths from prescription painkillers, according to a new study published on Monday in the JAMA Internal Medicine, the journal of the American Medical Association.

Florida: Medical Marijuana Initiative Would Also End Bong Ban

(Hemp News)

Marijuana advocates might have an extra reason to celebrate if Florida voters approve a proposed constitutional amendment which would legalize cannabis for medicinal use: Passage of Amendment 2 would also preempt Florida's "bong ban," which forbids the sale of pipes or paraphernalia used to smoke pot, according to the head of the organization which backs the amendment.

Nevada: Medical Marijuana Patients Want Pot DUI Tests To Be Performance Based

(Hemp News)

Critics of Nevada's laws on driving under the influence of marijuana want the Legislature to change the test from one which detects cannabis, to one which measures performance.

Uruguay: Citizens Can Now Register To Grow Marijuana At Home

(Hemp News)

Uruguayans who want to grow their own marijuana are able to register with the government to legally do so, as of Wednesday, when the government there launched the latest phase of its cannabis legalization program.

Hemp Industries Association To Present 21st Annual Conference Sept. 21-22

(Hemp News)

The 21st annual conference of the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) will be held Sunday, September 21 and Monday, September 22 at the Phoenix Park Hotel in Washington, DC.

Marijuana Industry Creating Job Opportunities

(Hemp News)

The marijuana industry is one of the few bright spots in today's economic forecast, according to the president of cannabis jobs website,

Toke Signals Must Read of the Week

Shuman Joining Florida Medical Marijuana Fight; Rosenfeld Says No Thanks

(Toke Signals)

Cheryl Shuman, the self-styled “Martha Stewart of marijuana” who runs the Beverly Hills Cannabis Club and reportedly sells $750 ounces, has announced she’s starting a marijuana super PAC (political action committee) to join the campaign medical marijuana in Florida. But some leaders of the Sunshine State’s medical marijuana community, including federal patient Irvin Rosenfeld, are less than enthusiastic to have her “help.”  

Toke TV/Toke Radio = a joint production
of Toke Signals and Indie Media Weekly


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