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Toke Signals Bud Pick of the Week
Toke Signals Stories of the Week
Colorado: Teen Marijuana Use Down Since Legalization
(Hemp News)
Rates of current and lifetime marijuana use among Colorado high school students has dropped since the state's voters made marijuana legal in 2012, according to a Thursday press release from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Colorado: Highway Fatalities Reach Near-Record Lows Since Marijuana Legalization
(Hemp News)
The "stoned driving" laws that accompany recreational marijuana legalization in Colorado and Washington were sold to us as being necessary for public safety; the specter of stoned drivers was presented as something dangerous and potentially deadly. Many weed-hating cops were quite happy to find there's still legal reason to arrest potheads. Reality, meanwhile, is telling another story, as highway fatalities in Colorado are nearing record lows since pot was legalized.
GOP Congressmen Criticize Marijuana Legalization; Claim Pot Causes Car Wrecks
(Hemp News)
Congressional Republicans on Thursday criticized Colorado and Washington state for legalizing marijuana, claiming pot causes automobile accidents.
D.C. Marijuana Legalization Initiative Qualifies For November Ballot
(Hemp News)
The Washington, DC Board of Elections on Wednesday ruled that Initiative 71, an measure reforming DC’s marijuana laws, has enough valid signatures in order to qualify for the November ballot. One month ago, the DC Cannabis Campaign submitted 57,000 signatures, more than twice the number needed to qualify for the ballot.
Spain: Cannabis Club Rules Being Drafted In Catalonia; Would Allow Cultivation, Transportation
(Hemp News)
The Public Health Agency of Catalonia (a region of Spain) is drafting rules to regulate the cannabis sales associations which have become popular in the region. Cannabis clubs in Catalonia already have more than 165,000 members and take in about five million euros per month, according to published reports.
Australia: Norfolk Island Gives Go Ahead To Grow, Import, Export Medical Marijuana
(Hemp News)
A Tasmanian company has been given the go-ahead to grow, import and export medical marijuana on Norfolk Island, an external territory of Australia which is not part of Australia's taxation or welfare system.
Russia: Bees Attack Police Who Were Destroying Marijuana Plot
(Hemp News)
I guess it makes sense that bees don't like buzzkills. Russian police suddenly found themselves in a "sting operation" on Tuesday when they were attacked by hundreds of angry bees as they attempted to destroy a marijuana plot close to Kostroma, northwest of Moscow. The officers fled in disorder from the scene.
Toke Signals Must Read of the Week
Growing Marijuana Under LED Lights: Spectrum and Wavelength
(Toke Signals)
With the increasing popularity of LED grow lights, manufacturers and distributors are innovating new ways to capture your attention. They like to lace genuine science with a healthy dose of marketing hype in hopes that you pause just long enough for them to dazzle you with the latest hyperbole. There are so many terms being thrown around, it can be difficult to dissect reality from marketing hype.
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